Rampart Library District Solicitation, Petitioning, Peddling

 Policy Statement

Rampart Library District is dedicated to protecting the rights and safety of library patrons, volunteers and staff. Our goal is to enable all library visitors to enjoy an inviting and comfortable atmosphere and to facilitate the use of library services and resources. We must balance free speech rights with the rights of others who do not want to be approached or have access impeded.


  • Active and/or passive solicitation, petitioning, peddling and other interactions in pursuit of selling goods or services or entreating library patrons or staff are prohibited on library property.
  • The District does not endorse, sponsor or support products, services, persons or groups unless related to library service or management.
  • The Library occasionally receives requests from patrons or staff to conduct or endorse fund-raising events or to provide public space for donation collection boxes. Rampart Library District does not sponsor or endorse the fund-raising activities of other organizations, although periodically the library may cooperate with local community charitable groups or service clubs to support community endeavors.
  • Staff fund raising activities by staff directed solely at staff may be posted in staff offices or lunch areas.
  • Posters, banners, yard signs and other displays (not approved/sponsored by the Library District) shall not be posted or left anywhere on Library property. Such displays will be removed without notice and disposed of by library personnel.

Concerns about the Solicitation, Petitioning, Peddling Policy must be presented in writing with specifics to the Library Director. Please provide your name and contact information. The Library District may amend or supplement this policy from time to time without notice and reserves the right to do so.

Approved 04/14/2015. Revised 09/08/2020, 09/14/2022, 12/13/2022. Reviewed 01/14/2025