Meeting Room Application Form

Meeting type(required)

Meeting Schedule(required)

Library location(required)

Please list any audio/visual equipment requests

Important! Please read and mark “Yes” to verify that the applicant understands these terms.

By submitting the application the above group or organization agrees to abide by the Meeting Room Policy of the Rampart Library District. This form certifies that the group/organization will be responsible for any damage sustained to the Library premises, furniture, or equipment caused by our use of the Meeting Room or for any additional custodial services required if the room is not left in the condition in which it was found. Applicant hereby waives all claims and recourse against the Rampart Library District, its trustees, officers, employees and agents including the right to contribution for loss, damages or injuries or property arising from, growing out of, or in any way connected with or incident to this agreement and use of the meeting room, except claims arising from the sole negligence of the Rampart Library District, its trustees, officers, agents and employees. Applicant shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Rampart Library District, its trustees, officers, agents and employees against any and all claims, damages, injuries or other losses arising out of the use of the Meeting Room. By marking Yes, the applicant agrees to these terms.

I understand and agree to these terms(required)