Text Message Notification Service (Shoutbomb):

Get texts from your library. Easy to sign up. Convenient to use!

Why Should I Sign Up?

Receive text messages on your phone immediately when:

  • Items you requested are ready for pickup.
  • Items you are borrowing are overdue.

Use your phone to text the library to:

  • Display Fines and Fees
  • Renew your items

{Please note this service cannot be used in lieu of a library card and is only intended to provide notifications}

Will I be charged for this service?

This is a free service offered by the library, but your mobile phone provider text messaging service rates still do apply. Users may want to check with their mobile phone service provider prior to signing up.

What is needed to sign up for Shoutbomb?

  • A smartphone with a service plan that includes text messaging (check with your mobile phone provider)
  • Your 13-digit barcode number from your library card

How do I sign up?

  • How To Sign Up Using Your Cell Phone:
  • Using a phone that can send text-messages to an e-mail address.
  • Text the word SIGNUP to (844) 213-3253. (To receive your messages in Spanish, use REGISTRESE instead of SIGNUP)
  • You should receive a reply asking for a library card number.
  • Text your library card number.
  • You should receive a reply asking for a PIN.
  • Text your PIN (often last name lowercase, check with your local library).
  • You should receive a text confirmation that thanks you for registering and provides some additional information

Notifications (keywords):

English CommandSpanish CommandDescription
ADDCARDADDCARDAdd a secondary library card to your notification account
DROPCARDDROPCARDRemove a secondary library card
HOLDSMANTENERHold notices Opt In/Out
IOWEUTEDEBOSee the current fine total on your account
NOTICESAVISOSCurrent status of all your Opt In/Out services
OVERDUEATRASADOOverdue notice Opt In/Out
QUITSALIRStop this text notices service
RENEWRENOVARRenew notices Opt In/Out
RESENDREENVIARResend the last message
SIGNUPREGISTRESERegister for this text notices service
SWITCHPHONECAMBIARTELEFONOChange the phone number receiving texts
These notices are ON by default.  Texting the keyword will turn that type of notice off
·        HOLDS
·        OVERDUE
·        RENEW
·        FEES

Please contact us with any questions or issues!