Public Comments


Policy Statement
Meetings of the Board of Trustees of Rampart Library District are conducted in accordance with the Colorado Sunshine Law as set out in Section 24-6-402 of Colorado Revised Statutes. Accordingly, other than those portions that are held in Executive Session, Board meetings are open to the public and anyone may attend in order to observe the proceedings. The following guidelines assure a fair opportunity to every person who desires to address the Board of Trustees:

• In support of the open meeting character for Board sessions and to insure that the minutes accurately identify individuals who make comments, any person wishing to address the Board must provide his or her name, address and telephone number on the attendance sheet for the meeting.
• In the absence of special circumstances as determined by the Board Chair, individuals will be called to comment in the order in which they have signed in.
• Each speaker may take up to three minutes to make comments. This time constraint may be modified by the Board Chair to be fewer than three minutes if there are a number of persons wishing to speak. Speakers will be advised when they have one-minute remaining.
• All speakers will begin by stating their name and address.
• The Board of Trustees acts as a body. Given the corporate nature of the Board:

Speakers are not to address nor engage in dialogue with individual trustees during the public comment period.

Comments are to be addressed to the Board as a whole. Trustees will not engage individual speakers in dialogue nor ask or answer questions during the presentation, with the following exception: at the request of any trustee, The Board Chair shall allow questions from trustees to speakers for purposes of clarification, limiting the time for discussion as the Chair deems appropriate.

Speakers are asked to understand that specific questions cannot be answered in dialogue format by the Board of Trustees. Acting as a Board, and only as a Board, the trustees will consider comments and questions and may direct staff members to provide information. The Board may discuss matters raised by members of the public and, if the Board decides that some action or response is warranted, will do so as the Board at a later time.


Concerns about the Public Comments at Meetings of the Board of Trustees Policy must be presented in writing with specifics to the Library Director. Please provide your name and contact information. The Library District may amend or supplement this policy from time to time without notice and reserves the right to do so.

Approved by the Rampart Library District Board of Trustees in April 14, 2015. Last reviewed on June 9, 2020.