Welcome to the Rampart Library District Wi-Fi!
You are connected to the internet! Please feel free to begin browsing!
Policy Statement
In keeping with our Mission Statement, the Rampart Library District endeavors to develop collections, resources and services to meet the educational, cultural, informational and recreational needs of our community. Within this context, the Rampart Library District offers access to the Internet, both through public Internet stations in the libraries and through a wireless network within the libraries.
The Internet provides access to a wide range of materials and information beyond the scope of the library’s own collection. Information found on the Internet may be controversial and may not meet the criteria stated in the Rampart Library District Collection Development Policy. The District cannot control information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. Users must use critical judgment in evaluating information found on the Internet to determine which information is appropriate to their needs.
As with all other library materials, a minor’s access to the Internet is the sole responsibility of their parents or guardians. It is important for parents to teach their children responsible use of the Internet, including good conduct, online safety tips and values important to the parent.
The Rampart Library District complies with Colorado law (CRS 24-90-601-606) which requires installation of filtering software for the protection and safety of minors (anyone under the age of 17)* on all public Internet access computers provided by the library. However, filters are not perfect security and can offer no guarantees.
Guidelines for Acceptable Use of the Internet
These rules apply to the use of library computers, the library’s wireless network, and wireless hotspots.
- Patrons must be in good standing and show a current Rampart Library District card to use a computer. Library cards are non-transferable. Users must use their own library card to register for an assigned computer session. The use of any library card other than one’s own is not permitted and may result in the suspension of computer privileges.
- Rampart Library District computers are located in public areas shared by library patrons of all ages, backgrounds and sensibilities. Individuals need to be respectful of others when accessing the Internet. Computer users may not display, send or receive sexually explicit images and they are prohibited from displaying, sending or receiving materials (including profanity and threatening, harassing or obscene material in text or graphics) that could be construed to constitute harassment of library patrons or staff.
- Patrons must obey all local, state and federal laws, including but not limited to copyright, fraud, obscenity and privacy legislation. Patrons may not engage in “hacking” or sending threatening or harassing email. Unauthorized reproduction, transfer or use of material may be a criminal offense under the United States Copyright Act.
- Patrons may not install software or download any material to any library computer. They may not run any programs that have not been installed by Rampart Library District. They must not misuse the computers, including changing computer settings.
- Patrons must accept responsibility for any personal information sent out through the Internet, understanding that it could be intercepted by a third party. Users may be at risk for loss or theft of information and should take appropriate cautions when using library computers and Internet access.
- Patrons should not develop or use programs that infiltrate a computer or computer system and/or damage or alter the software components of a local or remote computer or computer system. They may neither attempt to access secured files or systems nor cause any obstruction of use through actions such as consuming large amounts of system resources.
- Patrons should not seek information on, obtain copies of or modify files, other data or passwords belonging to other users. They shall not represent themselves as another user.
- Rampart Library District is not responsible for any loss or damage to a patron’s data, media or laptop computer due to hardware, software or electrical failure, breaches of security, theft or any other occurrence while the patron is using the library’s equipment or Internet access.
Guidelines for Wireless Access Use
- Rampart Library District offers free wireless access in both libraries for use with personal notebooks, laptops and other mobile Internet devices. These access points, also known as hot spots or Wi-Fi, are unsecured portals to the library’s Internet service, provided at user’s own risk.
- It is the library’s goal to provide access to the wireless network during normal library operating hours. However, high demand, reliability of technology and other factors may affect the delivery of the service. For these reasons the library cannot guarantee the availability of the service.
- The user accepts full responsibility for selecting, installing and configuring the hardware and software necessary for using the wireless network.
- The library assumes no responsibility for any investments a user makes in hardware or software, nor assumes the burden of support for interfacing the user’s system with the wireless network. The user accepts any potential risk to his/her system when modifying that system to use the service.
- Because information being transmitted could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user, patrons are warned not to transmit sensitive information (credit card numbers, passwords, account information) while using wireless access.
- Library staff can provide general information for connecting a device to the wireless network but cannot provide technical assistance in configuring a portal device or troubleshooting wireless access problems. There is no guarantee that a device will work with the library’s wireless access.*A minor is any person who has not attained the age of seventeen years.(CRS 24-90-602) Because the library is a public place, the library staff has authority to end an Internet session when information resources are inappropriate to a library setting or are illegal. Violation of this policy by a patron may result in suspension and/or revocation by the library of the patron’s privilege to use library computers or the library wireless system. Continued use of the computer or wireless for inappropriate activities may result in the patron being asked to leave the library and being suspended or barred from using library services. If illegal activities are taking place, authorities will be contacted.
Concerns about the Internet Use and Access Policy must be presented in writing with specifics to the Library Director. Please provide your name and contact information. The Library District may amend or supplement this policy from time to time and reserves the right to do so.
Approved by the Rampart Library District Board of Trustees on July 11, 2006.
Last revised and approved by the Rampart Library District Board of Trustees on July 9, 2019